XAPK is a new file format that helps in compressing big APK files into a smaller size which can be downloaded and accessed without many complications. Play Store has some restrictions when it comes to downloading files, Google has capped the limit for Apps and Games on Play Store to 100 MB. This doesn’t mean the developers can only develop Apps up to 100 MB, but anything above this limiting size, the developers have to create some additional files namely, OBB, cache assets, icons, or some graphics data. These additional files are directly downloaded when you are doing it from Play Store.
If you are downloading Apps from 3rd party sources and if the file size is very large having a combined installation package (.apk) + OBB data file. This big size files may be exposed and become corrupt which consumes your data and time in finding a new and right APK+OBB file. The solution is the .xapk file which contains all the files for a successful installation and running of a file.
XAPK is a file extension format which is a standard zip format allowing all the data related to the App to be saved in a single file for quick installation. Android launched app bundles for apk installation, they contain all the architecture, codes, and manifest files for the app for specific devices thus reducing the file size.
With X file you can directly install such app bundles on your Android supported devices without any app not installed issues. You do not need to download separate APK and OBB files for your favorite Apps, the x file is enough to install the app along with all the needed resources.
In simple terms; XAPK = APK + OBB Data
XAPK Contains – Package Extension (APK), OBB Data, Cache, App Icon, and Miscellaneous Info.
Make sure you have enabled unknown sources under Android settings. To do so, just go to Settings → Security → Enable Unknown Sources.
Here are some of the best methods to install .xapk file on Android Mobiles
The X Installer is a simple App that does all the work for you. It scans all the .apk and .xapk files on Android. The App automatically extracts the .obb data file and stores it in a preferred location. It then installs the APK file, thus you do not need to worry about any package or .obb file error on Android. The App can scan all the available files on Android and help in the installation of the same. So basically, the x installer will do the same for xapk files as apk installer does for apk files.
APKPure is a popular Android App hosting website. They also have an App by the same name. You can download the APKPure App and then tap on the xapk file. The rest of the operation will be performed by the App itself. The APKPure App will automatically extract the files from the .xapk file and then will install the App on your Android device. You do not need to manually extract any of the files which may lead to installation error if done wrong.
Step 1. Once you download the xapk file, open the File Manager App.
Step 2. Locate the .XAPK file and rename the extension to .zip
Step 3. Now download the RAR App from Google Play Store.
Step 4. In RAR App locate the .zip file and extract the files (Unzip).
Step 5. Now copy the .obb file which may be like com.gamexxxxx.obb into the preferred location;
Step 6. Install the APK and the App will automatically collect the resource from the obb data file and work as intended. Cheers!
If you have downloaded the file on your laptop or computer then you can follow the steps below.
XAPK Install with PC
Uptodown is the same as XAPK installer or APKPure App. It will scan all the APKs and XAPKs on your device. To install the X file all you need to do is tap on the .xapk file and the Uptodown will extract the file and install the App for you.
You may need to enable USB debugging if you wish to connect the PC and Android via USB cable for critical activity and data transfer.
If you see this error when trying to open any game or App then all you need is to grant all the permissions to the App. To do so, Go to Settings → App/App Manager → Locate the App/Game → Grant All the Permissions to the App/Game.
Clear all tabs and reopen the game, the issue will be solved.
Conclusion: With the XAPK file you can download the large Android files in a compressed format and install them on your Android mobile without any error or complications. XAPK files direct installation may not be supported in some older version of Android, therefore, you need to try the manual method of App installation.
Note: I hope the post was helpful. Do comment below for any assistance or support if needed.
This post was last modified on December 9, 2020 8:23 pm
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I've downloaded 'saachin saga'(xapk) from apkpure. But, when i went to install it, there was written'unable to perform this file'.
unzip the file manually by changing the extension to .zip
My pubg game is not open