Categories: Tech Tips

Facebook Brings WhatsApp Web and Messenger Rooms Integration

In the backdrop of the pandemic, our need for face-to-face communications is being fulfilled by online video chat applications, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, and newly introduced Messenger Rooms by Facebook. Rooms allow you to go on a video call with 50 people.

It was reported that Facebook is working to integrate rooms with WhatsApp. And now the feature has arrived on WhatsApp Web. You can Create the Room on WhatsApp Web and Share the Link for others to join. The rooms come with games, filters, and other features for greater engagement.

How to Create Room on WhatsApp Web?

Here are the Steps to Create Room on WhatsApp Web and Make a Video Call with 50 on Desktop.

1. Log in to your WhatsApp Web via desktop.

2. Now Click on the Attachment icon on the Menu icon.

3. Here you will see Create a Room option.

4. Click it and a message will pop-up asking you to create a room in Facebook Messenger.

5. Continue in Messenger and Create Room according to your preference.

6. A sharable Link is Generated, share the link with your friends and family. Done!

Frequently Asked Question (F.A.Q)

1. Do I need a Facebook Account to Join the Room?

No! You do not need a Facebook or Messenger account to join the Room. You just need to click the Room Link shared with you and you are good to go.

2. Can I Create the WhatsApp Room without Messenger or FB Account?

No! You need a FB or Messenger account to Create a Room on WhatsApp Web. It is not possible to directly create the room.

3. Now many people can join the Room?

Messenger Room call is limited to 50 participants at a time.

4. Is there any Time limit on Call?

No! There is no time limit on the room call you make the call as long as you want.

5. Can the Host Control the room and its participants?

Yes! The host has power over the room and can lock the room or remove the participants as per his will. The host can also choose to keep the Room visible among Facebook friends or just limited or selected few.

6. Can I play Games on Rooms?

The feature comes with in-app games and other interactive engagement tools you can also try a few popular video calling games on the rooms.

Conclusion: With Group Video Calls gaining prominence. Facebook has brought in the Rooms for WhatsApp. You can get access to rooms on theWhatsApp web. Give it a try.

This post was last modified on August 7, 2020 3:25 pm

Published by
Nikhil Azza