How to unhide any Private Hidden Media in Android Smartphone ?

You will find many Android apps in Google Play Store which provide hiding features for your photos, videos, music, apps and files. If you want to find hidden media content in any Android smartphone, then you can just by making some changes in files.

let us first learn how this ‘Hidden Apps’ work.

How do Hiding Apps or Vaults work ?

These Hiding Vaults which hide pictures, videos and apps works basically by changing the file name. For example, if you wish to hide a audio song say, ‘Lean On‘; if you check the file extension format in file manager you find it in .mp3 format like “Lean_on.mp3” and on hiding it using any app the format will change to “Lean_onmp3”. Since there is no •(dot) extension the music player is unable to recognise the audio file and is not shown in music player. And hence the file is hidden. Same is case for all other media files.

Files Hidden using vault app by removing the .dot

How to find and unhide the Hidden Media ?

It is very easy view the hidden photos, pictures and files.

  • Open the file manager.
  • Look for the folder where the media are stored. If you are using any Hide App the media will be stored in particular folder in the file manager.
  • Open the folder and rename the file/s with •(dot) extension. For example, change a photo file name from examplejpg to example.jpg. The photo will be open and visible.

    Change the file name with .dot extension to make the photos visble

  • Same rule is applicable for all other media files. Just make the correct format extension in file manger to access any media content.
  • Few examples are .mp3 for audio, .MP4 for video, .jpg or .png for pictures, .apk for application package, .pdf for PDF file etc

Note & Conclusion: I hope the post was helpful and you were able to find and locate all the hidden media in the Android Smartphone. Do comment below for any further assistance.

This post was last modified on May 14, 2016 11:13 am

View Comments

  • after renaming it shows a massage "cannot generate thumbnail

    • Reboot your Device once.

  • What u do if u don't know the directory of those files, as it is also hidden?

    • You can't hide any file directory.

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