Categories: Other

WhatsApp Group ‘Tap to retry adding this participant’ Error

Sometimes when we try to add a contact in WhatsApp Group, it won’t allow us. WhatsApp will show a message saying ‘Tap to retry adding this participant’ error. Even I’ve encountered with same error message while adding a participant in group.

This error message has to do something with WhatsApp blocking. It wont allow to add a contact if you’re blocked by person. However, other admins in the group can add the participant. The only condition is that they’re not blocked.

Tap to retry adding this participant

In order to solve the issue, you need to ask the contact to unblock on WhatsApp. Or you may ask other group admins to add the user. It’s also possible to add the contact to join WhatsApp group using invite link.

Probably you must be interested in know how to check whether you’re blocked. You should practically check these first to know the blocking status.

How to verify if you’re blocked on WhatsApp?

However, when we are blocked by any registered contact, we couldn’t see there:

  • WhatsApp ‘Status’.
  • ‘Online’ or ‘Last seen’ time stamp.
  • WhatsApp ‘About’.
  • Profile Picture.
  • And one tick (grey) on sending any message.

I’m WhatsApp Blocked User

Once you confirm that you’re blocked, ask the blocker to unblock your contact on WhatsApp.

Here are the steps to unblock any WhatsApp contact:

  1. Open WhatsApp app.
  2. Tap on New Chat icon.
  3. Hit on Contact from the list.
  4. Tap on Contact Name.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and hit ‘Unblock’ option.
  6. That’s it.

WhatsApp Unblock Contact

Once the user has unblocked, then hit on the error message saying ‘Tap to retry adding this participant’. I believe this should resolve the issue and even you’d be able to add the contact. Do you know I recently wrote a trick on messaging a blocked WhatsApp contact?

This post was last modified on December 15, 2019 7:04 pm