
How to Fake Live Location on WhatsApp on iPhone?

Whatsapp is one of the most famous mode of communication people use and it alone transacts over two billion Whatsapp users and billions of message exchanges every day. Newly added features such as video calls and sharing of live locations have made Whatapp one of the best and all-rounder applications in terms of social connectivity.

Although Whatsapp allows you to share your real-time location with anyone on your contact list if you choose to share it. However, there are many ways you can also mask your location and share a fake live location with your Whatapp iPhone.

Such a trick can help in many ways where you don’t actually wish to share the reallocation, maybe you don’t want to let your boss know that you’re enjoying your vacation in Bali while taking a sick leave to stay at home. So if you wish to tackle such a situation, then the best way is to share a fake live location using Whstapp on your iPhone and save yourself from being tracked.

Ways to Share Fake Live Location on Whatsapp iPhone

To share fake live locations on WhatsApp from your iPhone, there is a special third-party application. Since Apple does not allow users to do any kind of location tampering to protect its user’s privacy, you can’t just download any app and fake your GPS location. However, if you do it by using several software available for your Mac or Windows. Down below we will share three methods to share fake live locations on Whatsapp iPhone with and without jailbreak.

Share Fake Location Screenshot on Whatsapp iPhone (No Jailbreak)

This is not really a method, but rather just a gimmicky trick. Instead of sending your live location, you can take a fake screenshot of your location and send them to the recipient over Whatsapp. It is not very reliable as it’s not a live location, but something is better than nothing when you wish to share a fake location.

First, download Change my location from Appstore.

Open the app and search for any location which you intend to fake.

Take a screenshot of the user interface and share it over Whastapp.

This is not very reliable as sharing live location, but without jailbreak or without PC, this is the best you can do. But if you have a PC, then the below method can help you spoof your live location on iPhone.

Share Fake Live location on Whatsapp iPhone via PC/Mac (No Jailbreak)

Now if you do not have jailbreak privileges on your iPhone, then it is sad to say no app from Appstore will help you spoof your location. Apple simply does not allow users to spoof their location for privacy and security reasons.

Although if you do have access to a Mac or Windows PC, then you may use some tools to fake your location, and no jailbreak is required for this procedure.

For this procedure, we will be using MockGo iPhone GPS Location Spoofer. You may download it from here.

  • Install the program on your computer and connect your iPhone with the lightning cable.
  • Search for the location where you wish to spoof.

  • Now click on the move here button.

The software has more options such as realistic mode which can mimic your movement as real, and you can also set the speed of your motion for walking or driving. Especially useful if you wish to show that you’re driving a car in Newyork, while in reality, you’re just being lazy on your home couch.

  • Now you may open Whatsapp and click on sharing location option.

  • Here you can share the fake live location. And it will show you a location that you selected in the MockGo app.

MockGo is not the only player in the market with such services, as Tenorshare, Wondershare and iMyFone also offer similar software. I recommend you to check them all out in case you plan the premium plan.

Share Fake Live Location on Whatsapp iPhone without PC (Jailbreak needed)

If you already have a jailbroken device, then it can be a little easier to just install one application and use it to mock your location. Although if you are interested to jailbreak, then we recommend you to check out our guide on How to Jailbreak iOS for devices with iOS14 and above.

There are already many GPS spoofing apps available in your Cydia store (the store you only get after jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad). But finding the app that will surely work for your device can be a little tricky. So the one app that is mostly used and works on almost all devices running iOS 13 and above is Location Faker by iOS developer Jonathan Seals.

You may find this app by searching for “Location Faker” in your Cydia store. Once installed, you may enter the longitude and latitude which you wish to spoof.

Note: If you’re not familiar with longitude and latitude values you can get them from Google maps. Just drop a pin where you wish to spoof your location and Google maps will you latitude and longitude values for that location. Simple put that information in the app and click on apply.

Once you’re done with location configuration, open Whatsapp and go to share live location.

Click on the share live location button and choose the duration.

Viola, you just shared your fake live location on Whatsapp.

Wrap Up

As you see, spoofing your live location can be a little tricky when you use iPhone. But the above methods will help you to achieve just that. However, if you don’t want to go through all this hassle, you can also use your friend’s phone or any old spare Android phone of yours to install a fresh version of Whatsapp temporarily and fake location there.

To your surprise, the process to share Fake Live Location on WhatsApp for Android is quite simple. I hope the above methods do help you out to achieve the location spoofing prank you are planning. Good luck!

This post was last modified on March 13, 2022 12:47 pm