Jio 5G: Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test

Wish to Know Everything About Jio 5G. Here is the Guide Highlighting About Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test for Jio 5G.

Jio has launched the Jio 5G on Dussehra in selected cities. Jio said that they choose this auspicious day for the 5G launch because the day is said to be for the new beginning. Moving on from the hurdles of 2G and 3G, the 5G will bring true speed to its users.

The 5G network is in beta mode; hence it is not available for every user. This article will answer all your questions about the Jio 5G. The cities where the 5G is launched, the speed of the 5G network, and how it is different from the 4G network. What plan rates are available for Jio 5G users?

The Jio 5G network will use the 5G SA technology to provide the 5G network to its users. It means even if you have a 5G phone, and you don’t have a 5G SA, you won’t be able to use the 5G features. But you don’t have to worry as the smartphone manufacturers can fix it by launching an OTT update.

Jio 5G: Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test

The Jio 5G will use the mixed band of the spectrum from 700 MHZ to 26 GHz. Jio is the only network that will use the 700 MHZ spectrum, giving you great indoor coverage. Jio has also planned to combine this spectrum to give its users an uninterrupted 5G network with great speed.

Jio will use the 5G SA technology which means the standalone technology. It will not need any 4G cores to function. In comparison, the NSA means the Non-Standalone, this means the 5G network will use the 4G cores to function.

Jio 5G launch date & Cities

Jio has already started the beta testing of its users. The beta testing started on the 5th of October and is available with 1gbps speed. Jio promised that once the beta testing is done, Jio will launch the 5G for all users with a 5G handset with 5G SA enabled. Jio has promised to give 5G to every city once the beta trial is done.

How many cities are covered in beta testing?

Jio 5G launch date & Cities

On the 5th of October, Jio launched the beta program for the 5G in four main cities. The Jio 5G can be used in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi. These four cuties are in the beta program. Once the trial is done, the 5G will be available in every home in the country.

Jio 5G welcome offer

Jio has started the 5G network beta trial with a welcome offer. The Jio users with 5G testing enabled will get unlimited internet at 1 Gbps speed. Once the trial is completed, the telecom giant will expect more offers.

“Our Prime Minister has delivered a clarion call for accelerated 5G roll-out throughout India to realize the full potential of a Digital India,” stated Mr. Akash M. Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited. In response, Jio has created the most ambitious and rapid 5G roll-out strategy ever for a nation of our size.

How can you use the 5G beta trial?

To make sure that all 5G handsets can effortlessly use Jio’s actual 5G services, all handset manufacturers are being worked with by Jio, according to the company. This is a common problem that needs to be fixed.

As we’ve already mentioned, 5G devices alone do not enable you to use Jio’s 5G service because an OTT update is required to access the true 5G network. If you got an invitation for the beta testing of the 5G network then you are eligible for the Jio 5G welcome offer.

Jio 5G speed test

The speed test of the Jio 5G was performed across the 4 cities. The Jio 5G reached the speed of 1.5GB downloads speed during the Indian Movile Congress held in New Delhi. While the upload speed of the Jio 5G was 138 Mbps. However, the speed will be broken in the future, while these speeds were before the 5th of October.

Jio 5G: Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test 1

One of the Twitter users also shared the speed during the Jio 5G beta trials the download speed was 1085 Mbps, and the upload speed was 138 Mbps. The Jio was miles ahead of its counterparts as it is offering a true 5G network with 5G SA technology..

Jio 5G Plan Rates & Benefits

For now, it is not mandatory to change your current 4G Sim to a 5G sim as Jio has already stated that one can use a 5G network on their existing 4G Sim during the beta trial. As Jio 5G will use a standalone 5G network that doesn’t depend on the 4G network. The Smartphone or tablet that is 5G enabled will automatically start showing the 5G network once it is available in your area.

The plan rates of 5G have not been announced yet; It is expected that Jio will charge 500 or 600 per month for the 5G service. At the India mobile congress 2022, Mukesh Ambani announced that Jio will give a high-quality 5G network most affordably. You can expect an affordable price for your 5G uses on the Jio Network.

How different will 5G be from 4G

Jio 5G: Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test 2

The 5G is an improvement over the 4G network. The latency offered in the 4G network was around 60 ms while the 5G will offer a latency of a mere 5 ms. The lower latency means you will get a faster download speed and an enhanced internet speed. The difference between 4G and 5G technology is obvious.

Network Speed

The 4G was built on VoIP capabilities and has offered a downloading speed of around 100 Mbps but the 5G will enhance it and will try to reach 1 Gbps.

Differences in the base station

The 4g network uses the cell tower to transmit its signal while the 5G network will use small cell technology. The small cell technology is like a pizza box deployed across the country to transmit the 5 G network.


The 5G network will give excellent coverage even indoors due to its mixed use of the spectrum. The 700 MHZ spectrum used by the Jio 5G is expected to provide great indoor coverage.

Wrapping Up

While the 5G is to promised be 100 times faster than the 4G, the beta test results somewhat complete that promise. The Jio 5G speed is very good at the trials, but it will be interesting to see how it will perform when the 5G will be available to everyone in the country. The article has everything about the Jio 5G network. Jio 5G plans are yet to be announced for the users, but it is expected to be on a budget and the same level as 4G

If you've any thoughts on Jio 5G: Plans, SIM, Launch Date, Cities, Speed Test, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Rahul Verma
He has a massive interest in the field of Tech. He spends most of his time either writing or listening to music or traveling un-seen places. He loves to wrote about mobile devices and software solutions Contact him - Mailto:

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