Just a couple of years back, Instagram launched the Collab feature. This feature proved to be a handy way to upload a single post while collaborating with a maximum of 15 users per Post. Similar to that, Meta has recently announced a new feature that is currently under testing. This feature will be called “Add to Post” and it will allow your friends to add photos to your Instagram post. Sound similar to the Colab feature? Well, it’s not.
To understand, we will have a closer look at it. Besides, in this article, we will also check out how you can use this feature to allow your friends to add photos to your Post as well. Suppose, you went out partying with your friends and everybody took photos on their phones. Now, you create an Instagram post uploading some of the best clicks from your collection. Now, your friends might also have some pictures they wish to upload as well. So, with this newly proposed feature, you can enable the option to allow your friends to add their photos to the Post you just uploaded.
Once your friends add their photos to the same Post, they get added to the carousel. However, it is not as basic as it sounds. In fact, it has some checks to prevent your Post from adding unwanted pictures. We will talk about that in the next section.
This new Instagram feature was announced just a month ago, and we still have some time for its launch. But thanks to the broadcast made by Adam Mosseri, we have a clear idea of how it would look like. The head Adam Mosseri was very specific with his words while saying it was already being tested. He said this feature will enable you to invite your friends to add their photos to your Post. But how?
Well, whenever you are about to make a post, you will come across an option “Add to post”. On clicking it, you will enable the option that allows your friends to add photos to your post. Besides, even if you have already uploaded the Post, you can find this option at the bottom-left corner of your Post. Here’s what it would look like.
But that’s not all. You will receive a notification if your friends add any photo to your Post. Now, you will decide whether to add those images or not. If you approve the request, it will get added, or else not. So, you have the command to check each item added to the request and approve or decline them by choice.
Generally, Instagram always proposes a limit to everything. For instance, currently, you can add up to 15 users as collaborators and tag a maximum of 5 users. However, there are no new limitations for the Add to Post feature yet. I guess we will come up with more information in the next updates once the feature rolls out.
Now you know how to allow your friends to add photos to your post and how this feature differs from the Instagram collaboration. So, let us know your viewpoints on whether this feature is worth it. Did you know that Instagram is also working on another feature that will allow users to update their profile picture with a short looping video?