FMWhatsapp APK Download [Latest Version]

Looking for Forked WhatsApp Version with Mod Features for Android. Here is the Guide with Download Link for FM Whatsapp APK.

FMWhatsapp is one of the latest WhatsApp mods available in the market which comes with several additional features that are practical in nature and safe to use. Today we will share more details about the new FMWhatsapp APK version v19.52.3 with the antiban feature, along with a short guide to install the same as well.

Communication is one of the most important key factors in today’s civilization, and WhatsApp makes it easier to connect to each other along with different features and multimedia options. But there are still a few important features that are missing in official Whatsapp, and many third-party developers have come forward to bridge that gap and provide different mod versions of the original app.

WhatsApp has been a very popular and reliable tool for instant messaging for many users across different regions. However, most users do want to explore additional features that their official version of WhatsApp does not have. This is where several Mod applications come into the picture, where they allow you to experience and enjoy new features at no extra cost.

FMWhatsApp APK Download Guide

FM Whatsapp APK is an interesting mod version of the original Whatsapp application that gives you much more flexibility and privacy with some additional features that most users love and adore. This app is going to enhance and enrich your instant communication experience. Before we go ahead and share the download link for the same, let’s discuss some of the important and new updates and features for FM WHstapp APK version v19.52.3.

Customization Options with FM Whatsapp

Customization is an important aspect that helps you to personalize the way you communicate with others. It’s great to know that FM Whatsapp’s latest 2023 version comes with multiple customization options.

Fonts And Icons

Fonts and icon packs give you a mesmerizing experience on your device, especially with instant messaging applications. So if you wish to have any custom font to apply to the app, it is entirely possible. Along with this, there are a couple of interesting fonts already available in the app for you to choose from.

App Launcher and Notifications Icons

The stock version of WhatsApp comes with a standard icon for the launcher as well as notifications. But with FM Whatsapp mod APK, you can apply any icon as the WHstapp icon. This is also applicable to the notification icon as well. This is a smart way to disguise your FM WhatsApp to look like other communication apps or a noncommunication app as well by changing the app launcher and notification icons.

Chat Wallpaper

Chat wallpaper is a standard feature in Whatsapp that allows you to set a customized picture for your chat screens. With FM Whatsapp mod APK, you can assign custom wallpapers to different users to make your conversations more personalized and fun.

Emoji & Theme support

FM Whstap comes with an advanced theme and emoji support with different variety of emoji options ranging from Facebook, Android, Emoji One V3, Old Stock Emoji, Apple Emoji, etc. In terms of themes, there are multiple curated themes available which can change the look of icons, fonts, chat wallpapers, and other visual aspects of the app.

Privacy Features in FM Whatsapp

Privacy is one of the most important aspects for modern smartphone users and FM WhatsApp takes care of this very carefully. Apart from standard privacy features provided in official WhatsApp, FM Whatsapp mod APK provides you with additional privacy features designed for privacy-centered individuals.

Freeze your Last Scene

On many occasions, it becomes crucial to hide or freeze your last scene status so others can’t track you on the app. Many users have requested this feature but the official WhatsApp developers haven’t released such features with little to no control over the last scene status. With FM WhatsApp APK, you can easily control and freeze the last scene details.

Hide view status in FMWhatsApp

Another cool privacy feature in FM WhatsApp is the ability to watch other people’s statuses without coming into their status view list. This can be an extremely helpful privacy feature if you don’t want to leave a trail of views for your friend’s WhatsApp account status.

Show Blue ticks after the Reply

On many occasions, it becomes necessary that you hide your blue ticks sign until you feel comfortable. This is especially useful when you are talking to a stranger or with someone with whom you don’t want to share read recipes or blue ticks.

Hide typing and recording action text

Whenever you type a message to someone or record a message, the other person can view your actions. This brings great privacy concerns as sometimes you might not want to share these details with the sender. So with FM Whatsapp, you can control on who can see your typing and recording action, or completely disable it by default.

Disable Forwarded Tag on Messages

You often might see some of the messages that you receive have a forwarded tag on the message indicating that the message was forwarded from someone else. This can create confusion and distrust on the receiver end, so with FM Whatsapp, you can disable the forwarded tag easily. After this, any forwarded messages will also go as a normal message to your recipient.

Changelogs FM Whatsapp Version 19.52.3

Since the last iteration of FM Whatsapp, the new Jan 2023 version of FM WhatsApp APK have the following new features added:

  • Exclusive support for custom double-tap emoji
  • Show notification of blocked calls in the privacy section
  • Ability to send messages without saving the contact
  • Added option to disable double tap to like feature
  • New communication UI design
  • Status View Toast – Get to know people immediately when they see your status
  • Send bulk messages with pictures/videos
  • Added more custom background colors for status
  • View all messages Show the total number of messages on the screen
  • Fixed voice call issues
  • Fixed top bar disappearing in stock ROM users
  • Improves UI/UX

Download FM Whatsapp APK – January 2023

The sole purpose of this revised version of FM Whatsapp is to provide more features, a user-friendly interface, and desired additions. Down below you can download the APK file and install it on your Android smartphone.

  • File Name – FM Whatsapp vAPK
  • File Size – 51 MB
  • Version requirement – Android 4.1 and above
  • Cost – Freeware (free to download)
  • Developer – FM Mods (Foud Apps)
  • Last update – 1 Day ago

Download Page

Is FM Whatsapp APK Safe?

Since FM WHstapp APK is not the official app, many people wonder whether it’s safe to download and install on their smartphones. Now it is true that the app is a third party, and each third-party app brings the risk of privacy and other features, especially when it comes to personal communication. However, rest assured, as FM Whatsapp is a popular name in terms of the modded WhatsApp application market with thousands of active users worldwide.

Although, for extra precaution, it is wise to double-check the FM Whatsapp APK file with antivirus and antimalware software to make sure these files are safe to download and install.

Steps to Install FM Whatsapp APK

Installing FM WHstapp is easy just like any other app installation. However, you must uninstall the official WhatsApp version before you install FM WhatsApp. It is also recommended to take a chat backup before installation.

  • Go to the device settings and allow installation of unknown sources.

allow installation of unknown sources

  • Now go to the download folder and click on the FMWhatsapp.apk that you just downloaded from above.

insall fm whatsapp

  • After that, click on the install button. The installation will take only a few minutes to complete.

Whatsapp account or restore

  • After installing the app. Open it and make a Whatsapp account or restore your backup data.

Note: If you wish to restore your current WhatsApp chats, then make sure to form a local + Online backup first, and then restore it using FM WhatsApp.

Final Words

Whatsapp will always be one of the prime choices for communication apps for millions of users. And with FM WHstapp, you can make that experience much more enjoyable and fruitful using different advanced features that are not present in the official version of Whatsapp.

If you've any thoughts on FMWhatsapp APK Download [Latest Version], then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Rahul Verma
He has a massive interest in the field of Tech. He spends most of his time either writing or listening to music or traveling un-seen places. He loves to wrote about mobile devices and software solutions Contact him - Mailto:

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