Fix Cellular Internet Not Working On iPhone
In this guide, let us know how to fix cellular internet not working on an iPhone. When we are not connected to high-speed WiFi, we depend on the carrier data. This means we use the internet provided by the ISP whose SIM card is being used on our iPhones.
Many times, iPhone users complain that cellular internet is not working on their iPhones. Often network coverage may be sparse in certain areas. Mostly when you travel, network inconsistencies do show up. Otherwise, minor technical snags may cause the cellular internet to not work on your iPhone.
I have listed some of the possible reasons for this problem. Also, I have mentioned some working guides which I use when cellular internet does not work on my iPhone.
Here are the possible reasons.
Here are the Best methods to Fix Mobile Internet Not Working on iPhone or iPad Mobile
The effective and easiest way to fix a network snag starts with rebooting the concerned gadget facing the network trouble. In this case, you must restart your iPhone.
Now, check if the device can connect to the cellular data of the ISP used in it.
Bugs on the iOS build especially on the beta builds, can be very detrimental to the usual fluid user experience on the iOS.
So, just to be on the safer side, you can update the iOS on your iPhone.
The app on your iPhone that cannot connect to the cellular internet may be running an old build with bugs. So, try updating it first.
After updating the app, check if it can connect to cellular data and run smoothly or not.
When you enable VPN, the device is routed to a server placed in some region other than the actual region where the iPhone is located. It may happen that the VPN server your iPhone is connected to maybe too busy with lots of service requests, and hence you end up facing slower cellular internet.
Unless you require VPN, I suggest disabling it and then trying to use the cellular internet.
Often flight mode may have been enabled, and users forget to disable it. With the flight mode enabled, you cannot use the cellular internet on the iPhone.
Your internet service provider may have undertaken some maintenance work for which the entire coverage area may have been affected. So, you can use customer care contact for your ISP or reach out to them via social media and confirm regarding the maintenance work.
If they affirm about the repair job causing the cellular internet to not work on the iPhone, then you must wait until they finish the maintenance.
Another effective fix is to remove the SIM card from your iPhone. Then make sure to re-insert the SIM card back into the iPhone. If not correctly fixed in the SIM tray, the SIM card may not work, causing the cellular network not to work as intended.
When the SIM card is not properly put in the SIM tray, then you won’t see the network signal on the home screen.
Often users have reported that disabling the WiFi calling feature helps them restore cellular network connectivity on their iPhones. So, you should try it as well.
You may also try to reset the network settings on your iPhone if most of the above troubleshooting methods did not do any work.
After the network is reset, the iPhone should be able to function on the cellular data.
So, these are the various troubleshooting methods that can effectively fix the issue of cellular internet not working on the iPhone.