Social Media

How to Temporary Disable an Instagram Account on Android?

An application that lets users to share photos and videos is Instagram. It is available on iPhone and Android. They offer users the option of uploading photos and videos to share with a select group of followers or friends. Instagram also provides the option to view, like, and comment on posts shared by friends. But, in case you want to disable your Instagram account on an Android device, make sure to read this guide.

How Many Times does Instagram Allow you to Delete Your Account Temporary?

Instagram accounts can be disabled or deactivated to remove all associated information, posts, likes, and comments. But, it is not like you are allowed to deactivate your account regularly. Your Instagram account can be temporarily deactivated every week. Therefore, you cannot disable your account until the end of the week if you delete it this week and then come back for some reason.

What Are The Steps To Disable an Instagram Account on Android Device?

If you would like to disable your Instagram account for a temporary period, then using the steps mentioned below is the best. So, make sure to perform them and disable your account for a temporary period:

  1. On your device, launch the Instagram app first.
  2. Then, tap the Profile icon.
  3. Tap the hamburger icon (three dots) to access the Settings menu.
  4. Afterward, select Help and then Help Center.
  5. Then, click on the hamburger button and select Manage Your Account.
  6. Then choose to Delete Your Account.
  7. Once you’ve done that, click How do I delete my Instagram account?
  8. Then, hit the Temporarily Deactivate Your Account. Afterward, it will show you the necessary steps to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account.