Tech Tips

Destiny 2 Austringer God Roll for PvE and PvP

Destiny 2 is a highly acclaimed first-person shooter game that seamlessly blends the excitement of a top-notch FPS with MMO-style gameplay. The sequel to Destiny maintains the same foundation as the original but seeks not to better it but to expand upon it. Moreover, there are many powerful weapons in Destiny 2, and Austringer God Roll is one of them.

Nonetheless, not many users are familiar with the Austringer God Roll for PvE and PvP. But, nothing to worry about, as in this guide, we have explained everything about Austringer God Roll for PvP and PvP. So, let’s get started with the guide.

Destiny 2 Austringer God Rolls

There are two type of Austringer God Rolls, i.e., PvP and PvE. So, in case you want to know more about them, make sure to continue read this guide:

#1. Austringer PvE God Roll

  1. Perk Column 1
    • Outlaw: Gives +70 reload after precision kill, and reload time is 10% faster after an additional reload stat is added
    • Triple Tap: When you land three precision shots in a row, one shot is added to your magazine
  2. Barrel Option
    • Corkscrew Rifling: Improves Range, Stability, and Handling
    • Fluted Barrel: Improves handling and stability by 15%
  3. Magazine Option
    • Appended Mag: Increases magazine capacity by two shots
    • Light Mag: Speeds up reloading and increases range by 10%
  4. Perk Column 2
    • Rampage: Improves damage by 33% with stacking damage bonuses
    • Frenzy: Increases damage by 15%, reload speed by 50%, and handling by 15% for 12 seconds once activated

A barrel isn’t too important for PvE; it’s just a matter of avoiding taking stats away from the character. When it comes to the magazine, you are seeking faster reloads or larger magazines to reduce downtime.

The second column of perks ties back into the first column, which increases the speed of reloading through Triple Tap or Outlaw. However, as a general rule, Triple Tap gains more value in content with higher health enemies since you may not be able to kill them in one magazine. Last but not least, you’re looking for damage.

It is easier to keep up with Frenzy than Rampage, but Rampage has a greater bonus. If you want to kill red bar enemies with one or two shots, Frenzy+Triple Tap works well, but Outlaw+Rampage works well for content with higher health enemies.

#2. Austringer PvP God Roll

  1. Barrel Option
    • Hammer-Forged Rifling: Enhances range by 10
    • Smallbore: Improves stability and range by 7
  2. Magazine Option
    • High-Caliber Rounds: Provide +5 Range and Increase Flinch
    • Ricochet Rounds: Increase range and stability by 5 and 10, respectively
  3. Perk Column 1
    • Snapshot Sights: Quickly aim down sights
    • Eye of the Storm: Gain more accuracy and handle as your health depletes
  4. Perk Column 2
    • Opening Shot: Increases accuracy and range of your first shot (has a 3.1-second cooldown)
    • Rangefinder: Enhances zoom and aim to assist falloff range
    • Demolitionist: This weapon refunds 10% of grenade energy on kills

In hand cannons, the range still plays a vital role as they suffer greatly from range falloff. Smallbore is now more valuable, thanks to the flinch changes. High-Caliber Rounds make your enemy flinch, which makes duels easier. Ricochet Rounds, on the other hand, give you a nice boost to your stat total.

When your health gets low, Eye of the Storm grants performance, which allows you to finish the duel. Snapshot provides a good neutral option that makes the weapon feel snappy and responsive. A low-health character should avoid engaging in combat by jumping in the air when engaged in air assault as it gives performance through in-air effectiveness.

Last but not least, Rangefinder and Opening Shot give general performance data. You can use Rangefinder to get an additional 10% zoom, so play around with it to see what you think.

On the other hand, a Demolitionist is listed as those whose builds revolve around grenades. You’ll likely have grenades available often with Demolitionist and To Excess, which boosts Discipline and Strength by +20.

Published by
Gregory Chapman