Tech Tips

Block AdBlocker and Monetise your Inventory using AdRecover

Around 300 million people all across the globe use some sort of Ad blocking tools and also about 35% of total visitors to your web blog use Ad Block extensions. This is a big lose of revenue for the publisher when you think about it on large scale. Ad blocking services block all sort of ads which otherwise could have been useful.

A new startup by the name AdRecover has come up with solution to monetise your existing Ad services and make profits even if the visitor is using AdBlocker extensions. The AdRecover works with all Ad services including Google Ads. 

The AdRecover is not any separate Ad service but it’s just a simple coded tool which publishes your existing ad inventory. You can recover your lost revenue using this snippet.

Example of Google Ads with AdRecover using AdBlock

Note: AdRecover is not any advertising service but it works with your existing ad services (inventory) and publishes the ads when someone uses AdBlock extensions.

Important features of AdRecover

  • It monetise your existing Ad services
  • Adblocker audience are very sensitive to ads so it is important that they do not face any UX problem. The AdRecover keeps the promise by having a perfect balance between UX and monetisation by creating non-obstructive Ads which benefit both audience and publisher.
  • AdRecover works only when someone uses Ad Block tools.
  • You can use this service on Google adsense platform.
  • AdRecover automatically generates ad layouts during runtime on each page. So, publishers doesn’t have to copy paste any ad units separately.
  • You can add multiple number of sites.
  • The initiative is backed by industry leaders all across the globe.

How to get started with AdRecover ?

The setup is easy with a simple javascript code which does not require any server side loading.

  1. Go to AdRecover website and simply Signup by providing your name, website address and number of page views you get.
  2. Here you will be asked to add your site. Enter your website address.
  3. Now you will be shown a AdRecover Code, simply Copy and paste this snippet in the <HEAD> section of your website.
  4. Verify your website.

    Verify your Site

  5. Now click on Payments, fill all the billing information, save the info and add your Banking details.
  6. You are all done.

Now when someone uses Ad Blocking tools like AdBlock or AdBlock Plus than the AdRecover will automatically generate a page with perfect Ad layout giving win-win situation for both audience and publishers.

You can even view analytics, manage your sites etc. The tool has a feedback system which lets users to report any issue.

Conclusion: You do not need to copy-paste separate ad code, the snippet will generate the layout best suited automatically. You just need to add the snipet in the <HEAD>. One of the best things made for thousands of bloggers all across the globe.

Do comment for any assistance, Thank You!

This post was last modified on November 23, 2016 5:32 pm