Top Best Telegram Bots to Enhance your Messenger

Here are Best Telegram Bots to Enhance your Messenger or Channel just by Adding this Bits to your Telegram account.

Telegram is a messenger service application; it works very similarly to any other messenger platform. You can send text, videos, images, and other different files to users. But it’s not just limited to a messaging app. It offers you to create public and private channels and groups in which you can add other members.

Telegram Bots are some automated scripts based on AI that are built for a specific purpose. These bots can be used for several functions. You can use these functions to make your channel more user interactive.

If you have a Telegram channel, then there are Telegram Bots by which you can enhance the functions of your channel. You can also automate most of your tasks on your channel. There are so many bots available with their different workings.

Here is the list of Best Free Telegram Bots

  1. NewsBot
  2. Babelgram Bot
  3. Game Bot
  4. Poll Bot
  5. File Converter Bot
  6. Dr. WebHost
  7. Skeddy
  8. Sticker Download Bot
  9. TempMail Bot
  10. Auto Meme Bot

Best Telegram Bots

There are several different bots available with their various functions, like scheduling something, playing music, and other stuff. You can also use the Telegram Bot API to create a custom bot for yourself.  So let’s check some of the best Telegram Bots that you can use.

1. NewsBot

CNN News Bot

Newsbot is built purposely just for browsing new. By using this bot, you can check some latest news from all around the globe. This bot gives you different functions for choosing the news content you want to see.

The user can directly set its preference for the type of news that the user wants to get. For starting this bot, just need to select the /Start option. After that, it will fetch them from the internet in a catalog. If you want to see the full news, then you can also tap the Read More option.

Add NewsBot on Telegram.

2. Babelgram Bot


If you want a tool that can translate any language in Telegram and do not want to copy-paste every time, then you should surely use this bot. Babelgram brings the message directly while you are typing to a different language. This is also the main feature of this bot.

The commands of this bot are also straightforward. For translating any text, you just have to type @BabelgramBot following the code of the language in which you want to translate from or translate to and then lastly, enter the text. It is so handy if you regularly talk with foreign people.

Add Babelgram on Telegram.

3. Game Bot


This bot can be used to play some games with your friends within your channel or group. You can search for this bot by @Gamebot, and then it will be added. For playing any competition, there will be an option “Play With Friends.”  Just tap on it, and it will request you to choose your friends from your contact.

After selecting your contacts, it will ask you to choose the game you want to play. There are only three games available this time which you can play; these are – Math Battle, LumberJack Bot, and Corsairs.

Add GameBot on Telegram.

4. Poll Bot


Poll Bot, also known as Vote Bot, is used to create polls on your channel. The poll bot is the best option for those who have a big channel and want to add some improvement or changes in it. It can also work as a voting system that you can use in Telegram groups or channels to check different opinions of your members and work accordingly.

Creating a poll is also very simple; you just have to put a question following with some of the related options. There is no limit to add for the options that you can put.

Add PollBot on Telegram.

5. File Converter Bot

ConVerT BoT

This bot works as a converter. It converts a file from one format to another. Several different files are supported in this bot. You can add images, audio files, videos, and other documents.

If we talk about images only, then it supports some of the main image formats like JPG, PNG, WEBP, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and PDF. You just have to upload your desired file in it and then choose the available format in which you want it to get converted.

Add FileConverterBot on Telegram.

6. Dr. WebHost


When we download anything from the internet, there is a chance of getting a virus or any other malware in our device. This happens when we do not know about the source from which we are downloading. Dr. WebHost bot helps us with this problem. Whenever any link is transferred to us through a telegram account, WebHost scans the link to ensure that it is safe or not.

It will also scan for any file that is sent in the group. It also gives you the option for checking files and links separately, you just have to send the file or link to the bot, and it will provide you with the result about it.

Add Dr. WebHost on Telegram.

7. Skeddy


If you want to schedule or remember any of your tasks, then you can use this bot. The main work of this bot is to set reminders. You can create a reminder by just sending a text message to the bot.

When you set a reminder, It will notify you by sending a text message for your reminder. When you create a reminder, it will ask you to put a timezone. You just have to put your country time zone, and you will get the reminder message at your desired time.

Add Skeddy on Telegram.

8. Sticker Download Bot

Sticker Download

Today every other messaging app has the feature of sending and adding stickers. Telegram also allows you to send stickers, but stickers that are available on their platform cannot be used outside of Telegram. Sticker Download bot allows you to download the stickers from Telegram that you can use in any other messaging apps.

It can also be used to import stickers that are not available on Telegram. For downloading any sticker, you just have to send that sticker to this bot, and then it will download it in different formats.

Add StickerDownloadBot on Telegram.

9. TempMail Bot

Temp Mail

This is the official bot of the temp mail website. If you have ever used temp mail services earlier, then you would know that it is mainly used to create some temporary emails that you can use on websites that require you to sign up for accessing their content.

This is the best way by which you can get an account on some platforms without entering your personal information. Using this bot is also very easy; you just have to tap on /Start, and then /New, a new email will be provided to you.

Note: This email would be valid only for 10 minutes, and you can generate as many emails as you want.

Add TempMailBot on Telegram.

10. Auto Meme Bot

Meme Autobot

This is one of the best fun bots that you can use on Telegram. You can use this bot to create some memes within a few seconds. Now, you just have to give the text that you want to use and an image for the meme.

You can also determine where you want to align the text on the meme. After doing all of this, it will return to you the meme that is created. This bot, not just only works to create memes but also have several funny memes in its database which you can download and use.

Add AutoMemeBot on Telegram.

From Editor’s Desk

If you have a channel with a significant user base, then installing some Telegram bots on your channel is the best option.

These are the best bots that you can use on Telegram. They can help you to get some more great experience on the Telegram platform. You can integrate them very easily in your account. The functions of these bots are also very simple and user friendly. I would suggest you to surely try these.

If you've any thoughts on Top Best Telegram Bots to Enhance your Messenger, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Rahul Verma
He has a massive interest in the field of Tech. He spends most of his time either writing or listening to music or traveling un-seen places. He loves to wrote about mobile devices and software solutions Contact him - Mailto:

1 Response

  1. mario says:

    One more useful bot: transfermusicbot
    copy playlist and music library between music services

    I am an author of bot

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