Minecraft is among the most widely played sandbox multiplayer games across varied platforms. The possibilities are endless. You could build just anything with blocks across an infinitely large location with virtually no restrictions. But to take this even further, there exist tons of mods to complement this game. They all perform different functions. Whereas some give a visual overhaul to the game, others add up new functionalities and features to it.
Furthermore, there is a wealth of mods and add-ons that people have created. And this is where some of the gamers might get confused. With so much to choose from, you might get spoilt for choices. So to give you a better idea about it, we have compiled a list of some of the best Minecraft mods for you to try out.
If this is the first time you are dealing with these mods, then here is how you could install them There are quite a few software available for the same, but Minecraft Forge stands out. Most of the mods available online are easily compatible with this software. So go ahead, download and install the Minecraft Forge software on your PC.
Just to be double-sure, launch the game and in the profile menu, you should see a new ‘Forge’ profile. Next up, download your favourite Minecraft mod and place it inside the Minecraft > Mods folder created by the Forge software. That’s it. You have successfully imported the mod. So with the instructions now clear, let’s now have a look at the best Minecraft Mods.
Here are Few Methods to Install Mods on your Minecraft for PC based on Mods installability, this guide for Self-installing MODs.
Here are the Best Minecraft Mods to for Adding Features and New Functions
It is usually the first thing that many gamers add to Minecraft. If you are having a high-end laptop, then this mod is definitely for you. It not only improves the overall graphics, but it also makes the game faster. Talking about additions to the game’s UI, the mod adds HD texture, smooth lighting and gives users more granular control over the game’s graphics. So with this mod, a lag-free gaming and a much-improved graphics experience are on the cards. You could also double the FPS which will lead to a decrease in lag spikes and much smoother gameplay.
Download Optfine
While Optfine gives a new dimension to the game, it only works in high-end laptops. Let’s face it not everyone has the liberty to get their hands on an impressive specs laptop. And if you are among them, then you could try out Fastcraft. It is specially made for the low-end laptops and give the game a much-needed push. Once you install this mod, you will definitely notice the game to be running more smoothly and without much frame-drops.
Download: Fastcraft
With so many tools to choose from, it really becomes quite difficult in dealing with them. This is where the Inventory Tweak might come in handy. Inventory Tweaks helps in efficiently sorting all the tools present in your inventory. Furthermore, this mod even automatically replaces tools as and when it gets damaged.
Download: Inventory Tweak
Along with Inventory Tweak, you should also try out the NotEnoughItems mods. This makes it easy to search for your favourite tool by bringing up a searchable list of all the available tools in the game. Furthermore, it also gives you complete instructions sets with respect to all the available mods. So if you have just started playing Minecraft, you should definitely check out this mod.
Download: NotEnoughItems
It is quite easy to get lost in the world of Minecraft. Well, not anymore. Journey Map will help you to charter unexplored territory and you could also mark places of special interest along the way. Apart from that, it also warns you when the enemies are ready to launch an attack. You could view this map as you play your game in the form of a mini-map, in a fullscreen mode or even in an external browser like Chrome.
Download: JourneyMap
This has to be one of the most interesting mods of this list. In simple words, this mod adds flowers. But they aren’t just any flowers. Each of these flowers has a unique power- some could heal you, some could be used as the food for animals, while some flowers could even turn hostile groups against each other. Well, that’s not it. One of these flowers even opens the door to a world full of magical elves. All in all, this is definitely worth a shot.
Download: Botania
This mod really notches up the difficulty to an altogether different level. RLCraft adds dragons to the game, enemies get special ability wherein they could kill you in a single shot and there will be random spawn throughout the game. This really makes the game all the more challenging. So if you are finding Minecraft quite easy, give this mod a try and your gaming experience will never be the same again.
Download: RLCraft
Enigmatica 2 comes pre-loaded with around 250 mods. These not only add a new dimension to your gaming experience in the form of improvements in GUI but also adds some pretty nifty features. No two mods perform the same functions. But it is quite obvious that you might get lost in such a huge collection of mods. Therefore, as soon as you download it go ahead and check out the associated quest book before you proceed ahead.
Download: Enigmatica 2
If there is one thing the game seems to be missing, it ought to be dinosaurs. The pre-historic creatures are definitely everyone’s favourite, but unfortunately, they are yet to make its way over to Minecraft. However, with the help of this mod, you could once again bring the T-Rex back to life. Not only the living ones but fossils of these dinosaurs could also be found lying around. You could even bring these fossils back to life. This one’s definitely for the Tyrannosaurus lovers.
Download: Fossils and Archeology Revival
Exploring new territories isn’t so much challenging once you have made considerable progress in the game. This is because by then you have a well-built network of roads, ships, railways, etc. However, for the newcomers, this is one of the major difficulties that they have to go through. Well, not anymore. Thanks to the Animal Bikes, you could make any animal your mode of transport. Although that might sound quite funny on paper, in reality, it is definitely very useful. From cats, dogs to even dragons, there will never be a shortage of transport ever again in Minecraft.
Download: Animal Bikes
Ever wondered what would heaven look like in the world’s most famous sandbox multiplayer game? Then you owe a lot to the Aether mod which welcomes you to the heavenly abode. On being transported via the portal, you will be taken to a place that is situated above the clouds. Furthermore, the floating islands definitely make the graphics even more aesthetically pleasing.
Apart from that, there will be flying cows, pigs and tons of new blocks to get your hand on. There are also some untouched loots lying around in the heavens, so make sure you get your hands on them before someone else does. But at the same time, you’ll have to face some powerful bosses along the way. So it seems not everything is quite pleasant in the heavens as of now.
Download: Aether
It is really a challenging task to look for the perfect crafting recipes. Pausing the game and looking online for it is currently the sole option. Users are regularly requesting this feature to be added to the game. Until the developers do so, you could try out this mod. Craft Guide is a giant help book consisting of all the craft recipes that you’ll ever likely to come across in the game. With so many crafts available, this one is definitely going to help you.
Download: Craft Guide
Food is among the most important component to stay alive, not only in real life but in Minecraft as well. However, you don’t have much control over the choice of food in the game as the resources are limited. But this mod brings numerous kinds of healthy and junks food to the plate. From pancakes to a burger, pizza, and fries, you name it and this mod has it all.
Download: Still Hungry
Well, the world of Minecraft has no boundaries, both in terms of the things you could do and the geographical aspects. And it is the latter that more often than not causes great difficulties to many players. Be it a newcomer or even an expert, getting lost in the game is something of everyone’s concern. In those cases, there could be no better alternative than Magic Yarn. This mod tracks your path right from your home until your destination. Now when you decide to get back home, just trace back the path created by this mod, and you’ll reach your abode in no time.
Download: Magic Yarn
Galacticraft opens the door to the outer space. You will be able to set foot on various planets, explore far-off galaxies, collect and build different energy resources. There are many other space mods coming up, but none comes close to what Galacticraft has to offer. On that note, don’t forget to check out the red planet.
Download: Galacticraft
Conclusion: With that, we conclude the list of some of the best Minecraft mods that you could try out. To be honest, there are a plethora of mods available online. And this is what makes this game among the most loved ones by the online community. But trying out all of them just to find out the best one is definitely an effort taking task. Therefore to help you out, we compiled this list of the best mods for Minecraft. On that note, do let us know which of these mods you loved the most. And was there any that you felt was missing from this list? We would love to hear your opinions on the same.
This post was last modified on January 3, 2021 7:01 pm
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