10 Best Sites to Download .IPA File for iPhone and iPad

Best IPA Download Site to Download Apps & Games for iPhone & iPad including cracked apps and also apps that are not on Apple App Store.

When you want to use any paid application from the App Store, you have to pay the amount for the application. Some of them do give free trials, but the App Store has also restricted them.

There is also a chance that the app may not fit up to your expectations, and after buying it, there is also no option for a refund. So, there are some of IPA websites from where you can try these apps absolutely free.

These IPA websites allow you to download paid apps, and there is no need for you to put your personal details, even your email address. However, you need to jailbreak your iPhone to make this work. So, let’s see the list of the best 10 IPA websites that you can use to download any app.

Free IPA Download Sites for iOS

If you’re looking or free paid iPhone apps IPA files, or just want to try some unpublished IPA apps, then here are the best IPA download sites.

1. Panda Helper

Panda Helper

Panda Helper is one of the most used and popular IPA downloading websites. After signing in with your Facebook account, you can download and surf access to thousands of apps.

This website comes at the top in terms of providing unique IPA files for any ios device. The only problem with this website is that it uses so many monetization networks.

However, you might see some popup adds here and there while downloading your required IPA file. It may distract you sometimes and redirect you to a different website. But other than this, Panda Helper does all of your tasks. It also offers a big collection of Android apps for android users.

Panda Helper

2. vShare


vShare is one of the most known IPA websites out there. This is the only website that allows direct IPA installation on your iPhone using their website. You can also download traditional IPA files to install them later.

There is a slight difference between these versions, the app version lets you download any app to your iPhone, and using the web version, you can download the newly updated free IPA files.

However, their download server gives very slow download speeds, and there are some unconditional errors that come while downloading the apps in it. But other than that, it is the best website to use with quite a good number of features.


3. Mob


Mob is a general-purpose IPA downloading site that you might have used before. It is very popular among IPA downloading websites. But the downloading process is a little different as you have to register your device before downloading any IPA file to it.

Once you successfully register your device, you can access all the apps, games, and other customizable features. There are several categories of games and apps which you can choose from this website.

The most visited categories are the “newest” and “popular” categories. This website is more focused on games. So, if you love to play games, then you will get all types of games here that you can use for free. There is also a section for Android games on this website if you have an android device, you can also use it.


4. iPhone AppCake 


iPhone Appcake is an IPA downloading website with a very simple and responsive user interface. It offers you to download IPA apps for free and holds a large number of apps and games for iPhone and iPad.

This is one of those IPA websites which do not require a jailbreak iOS device. Because of the smooth user interface of this website, navigating on this website is so easy. You can also check other different categories on the site, which might fulfill your purpose of using it.

iPhone Appcake

5. iEmulators


This is one of the most underrated websites on this list, but the quality it offers is better than other websites. Firstly, you have to sign up on this website to get access to all the apps and games available on this website. There are also some other tools provided by iEmulators, which can give you more options to download apps.

The only and the main problem with this site is that sometimes due to updates, their website goes to under maintenance, which sometimes takes various days to recover.

The apps provided by this website are also very limited as compared to other sites. If we ignore these problems, then this site offers one of the best experiences in terms of there design and very quick navigation.


6. AppAddict

This IPA website is a subsidiary or part of the IPA website, which we have mentioned earlier, vShare. When you look out on this site, you will find the same interface as it is of vShare.

Earlier, AppAddict was used as a tweak website for Cydia tweak to download paid applications and games for free, but after some time, it got converted into an IPA website.

The content over AppAddict always gets updated frequently with new IPA files for a large number of apps and games. The design makes navigation so easy and fast. You can also use AppAddict to download the IPA files, even if your device is non-jailbreak.


7. iPlayPlus 

iPlayPlus is a one-stop-shop for iOS users. It has game cheats, reviews, apps, games, and tutorials. iPlayPlus was formerly known as AppleGuider.  iPlayPlus even has a twin site for Android devices, which is called iHackedit. Users can download IPA files for free on iPlayPlus.

It has a large collection of IPA files, ensuring that you get just what you are looking for! The website has a very simple layout and has different categories, which help users look for files easily. Game Cheats, Featured, Jailbreak, Tutorials, Games, Apps, and Downloads are the categories under which all the files are sorted. The website even has a search bar that allows users to search for files. Thus, iPlayPlus is a great platform for downloading IPA files.


8. AppDB

AppDB is a website that houses apps, games, and books for iOS devices. This website has an extensive collection of files, from the most basic apps like Youtube and Instagram to games like Pokemon Go, Clash Royale, and Clash of Clans. The website is very meticulously organized, with everything under different groups and subgroups like iOS apps, Cydia apps, macOS apps, and Apple TV apps.

AppDB is so useful that users can even request apps. It has a pro version that allows users to run AppDB on devices that are not jailbroken. So, it is evident that AppDB is a reliable website for IPA files.



Now you might understand how these IPA websites are helping us to use paid apps for free. There are so many websites with different services and conditions. The list we have made is of the best 10 IPA download websites. But it always depends on the preference of the particular user, which may differ from person to person.

Moreover, these IPA websites mostly do not have any disadvantages to your privacy and personal info. Most of the websites above in the list also support devices that are non-jailbreak.  So, you should try all of these sites to learn more about them or pick one and use that.

If you've any thoughts on 10 Best Sites to Download .IPA File for iPhone and iPad, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Rahul Verma
He has a massive interest in the field of Tech. He spends most of his time either writing or listening to music or traveling un-seen places. He loves to wrote about mobile devices and software solutions Contact him - Mailto: Rahver0@gmail.com

1 Response

  1. Steve says:

    I only see 8 entries

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