10 Best IP Stressers: Free IP Booters You Must Use

Looking for Free IP Booters Online Services. Here are the Best Free IP Stressers You Must Use.

In this article, I have highlighted the 10 Best Free IP Stressers that you can use in today’s date. Do you own a website? Then it may have thousands or hundreds of thousands of visitors on a daily/monthly basis.

Now, is the web server responsible for your website capable enough to handle a high volume of traffic? If your website crashes frequently due to a high inflow of traffic, then that is not ideal for the visitors. To check the capability of handling traffic volume, you will need an IP stresser.

That can be checked using an IP stresser. On the other hand, IP stressers are often associated with DDoS attacks and, at times, face bans due to links with illegal usage. Now, let us check out in detail what IP Stressers are, whether they are legal, whether it is secure to use an IP stresser, and how exactly they are put to use.

What is an IP Stresser?

It is a tool that determines the strength of a web server’s ability to handle visitors on any website that it is associated with. There are free and paid IP stress tests available in the market.

IP stressing is usually carried out before deploying the web server. Using the IP stresser, a simulation of traffic load is generated. The traffic on the web server is monitored. Then, it is decided whether to improve the web server’s capability or whether it is good enough to handle the actual traffic equivalent to the volume tested using the IP stresser.

No.IP Stresser
1Stresserst SU
2Stresser AI
4Neocites FreeBooter
8Nightmare Stresser
9Load Ninja
12GitHub IP Stressers

Best Free IP Booters

If you have been looking for efficient IP stressers, here is a list of ten IP Boosters you can use to check your web server’s traffic handling capability.

1. Stresserst SU

Stresserst.su is a user-friendly IP booter that is completely free and does not require any registration. It allows you to assess the strength of your firewall by subjecting it to stress tests.

To get started with stress testing your firewall, simply enter your IP on their website. In addition, Stresserst provides detailed information about various types of DDoS attacks that can be performed using an IP stresser, including Amplification (DrDoS), SYN Attack, UDP Attack, and Browser Emulation.

Get Stresserst

2. Stresser AI

stresser AI

With Stresser AI, you will get around 1 Gbps of bandwidth, allowing you to make around 50 stress attacks a day. You get to make Layer 4 and Layer 7 attacks. The IP stress test can last up to 300 seconds to monitor how efficiently the web server handles the load. You do not need to register, sign up, or pay anything to use Stresser AI for IP stressing.

Get Stresser AI

3. StressThem

stressthem IP stresser

With 1000 Gbit/s capacity StressThem is one of the strongest IP stressing services on the market. All you require is to create a free account, and you can avail of free IP stressing for your web server. Upon signing up, you get 1Gbps bandwidth for stress testing.

It does offer paid plans as well, and you can pay with anonymity. The premium plans start at $30(for 30-days/20 minute) and span up to $600 (for 30-days offering 2-hour attacks)

Get StressThem

4. Neocites FreeBooter

neocites freebooter IP stresser

Freebooter is a free IP stresser offered by Neocities, which is a web hosting service. You can use the FreeBooter IP Stresser tool without having to register. The tool is 100% free to use. They use DNS amplification methods for the stress tests. Each stress test includes releasing about 5Gbps per stress test (boot) in traffic.

They do not keep any log of the stress testing carrier for any webs server, which makes it secure for the clients to use Freebooter.

Get Freebooter by Neocites

5. Darkvr.io


DarkVR.io is a website that provides IP stress testing services. The platform offers a range of advanced attack methods that can bypass many DDoS protection services, comes with customizable features, and guarantees strong attack methods.

You can choose a custom membership that includes only Layer-4 methods or only Layer-7 methods, which can make the plan cheaper. DarkVR.io is utmostly concerned about users’ security and privacy.

All logs are deleted automatically every few hours, and sensitive user logs are stored encrypted. The site only accepts secure payments, such as cryptocurrencies.

Get Darkvr.io

6. Str3ssed

They claim to be the most reliable IP Booter on the internet. They have been around for 7 Years now.  They offer 700Gbps network capacity for managing the IP stressing. While you get paid services from Str3ssed, there is a free IP stresser on the offer as well.

A single DDOS attack can’t test the server’s ability to mitigate the traffic load. Str3ssed offers custom-built protocols to test your servers. They also offer unique bypass methods.

Get Str3ssed 

7. HardStresser


Hardstresser is one of the prominent stressers with 1500 Gbit/s bandwidth on the offering. While it is mostly offering paid services, you can get a free stresser by contacting them on their Discord chat. They offer an easy-to-use stresser panel, 24/7 live monitoring, 30+ More than Layer 4 attack methods, and 20+Layer 7 attack methods.

Get HardStresser

8. Nightmare Stresser

nightmare stresser

Nightmare Stresser offers the best and most powerful L4 & L7 methods and bypasses available for IP stressing. They do not limit the floods during a test session. Clients can send as many daily layer 4 and layer 7 floods as they want.

NightmareStresser supports Android, iOS, and Gaming Consoles. It also supports The TOR Browser and VPNs. While this service keeps a log of its IP stressing sessions, it duly removes it every 24 hours.

Mind you that NightmareStresser is not free, and there is no disclosure of any plans on their website. Perhaps to keep things anonymous, you have to register first to get introduced to their services and understand the associated payments.

Get NightmareStresser

9. Load Ninja

Load Ninja is an underrated tool for IP stressing. It offers reduced test script creation time, generates accurate load, analyzes performance in real-time, and performs testing in a local network.

You can request a free demo, but Load Ninja offers better features when you use its paid services. Prices range from $301 for on-demand testing to $250/month for monthly plans.

load ninja IP testing

The price listing indicates that Load Ninja caters mostly to corporate clients. It lists major brands such as Phillips, Nestle, Lift, and Cornell University as its clients, among many more.

Get Load Ninja

10. Dotcom-Monitor

dotcom monitor

Lastly, if you are looking for more scope into IP stressing, then you may try Dotcom-monitor. This service operates physical servers across six continents. Allows the client to simulate critical user paths and scripts within their websites and applications from real browsers for implementing stress testing.

With dotcom monitoring, expect negligible network latency and consistent monitoring of test results. Dotcom-Monitor is reliable, precise, and offers actionable discernment for mentoring the web server capacity.

You get a 30-day free trial use of Dotcom-Monitor for stress testing along with other services the platform has to offer. Stepping into the premium segment, the prices for various services start at $20 a month and go up to $80/month.

Get Dotcom-Monitor

11. Tresser.io

Tresser, is an IP Stresser platform. It’s designed to test a network or server for robustness. They are able to bypass JS Challenges as well as country blocks, custom protections/rules, buttons, rate limits, CAPTCHA, and bypass also a lot of DDoS protections.

12. GitHub IP Stresses

GitHub can host several projects related to IP stresser. An IP stress is an online service or tool that is used to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against websites, servers, or online services. These tools are typically designed to flood the target’s network with a massive amount of traffic or requests, causing it to become overwhelmed and unresponsive.

Visit GitHub

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Use an IP Stresser?

IP stresser services simulate high-volume web traffic and direct it to the web server. Then, it is monitored how capable and durable the server is to manage such a high volume of traffic data at a certain time. Once you connect to an IP stresser service, they will carry out the testing for you.

Is it Illegal to Use an IP Stresser?

It depends on how the service is used. IP stressers are generally used on the client’s website to test heavy loads on the server. It is done to test the efficiency of the web server.

If an IP stresser uses these services against other websites or servers with bad intentions(termed as malicious DDoS attacks) is considered illegal.

Why do IP Stressers Get Banned?

When IP stressers are used to harm other websites/webservers and such services are prohibited in a region, then law and order authorities can shut down such IP boosters and websites that are running/managing them.

Check the Traffic Load on Web Servers with IP Stressers

If you have been looking for IP Stresser services to check the traffic load on your web server, then these tools will come in handy. I hope you found this guide on “10 Best Free IP Stressers ” useful.

If you've any thoughts on 10 Best IP Stressers: Free IP Booters You Must Use, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Swayam Prakash
Swayam is a professional content creator with 6-years of experience in conceptualizing, creating, and managing tech-based content for notable online publishing firms. At DigitBin, he creates quality-rich and simple content related to Windows OS, Android, iOS, social media, cloud computing, and other general consumer technology. Contact Me on Linkedin

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