How to Fix App Not Installed Problem on Android?

Fix App Not Installed error on Android with this simple solutions. The methods can help you can solve APK installation problems on mobile.

Android system is great when it comes to using Apps and enjoying a seamless smartphone experience. Many times you may get annoying messages while you install Apps on your device, especially apps from ‘unknown sources.’ One such message is ‘App Not Installed’ or ‘Application not Installed’. It is a common issue users face on various Android operating system versions.

When you try to install any App which is incompatible with your device’s OS and software, the App may not get installed successfully. It leads to the App Not Installed error on your device.

Reasons for ‘App not Installed’ Error on Android

  • The App build may have been corrupted, or some of the core files have been modified knowingly or unknowingly.
  • Your device storage is full, which blocks the package installer from functioning.
  • Installing APK bundles that do not support simple APK Arch installation
  • Android Manifest is the set of permissions and has a lot of permissions where an error might have occurred.
  • Gradle file – The problem might be in the file itself. Just check the minimum SDK version is suitable for your device.
  • Installing an unsigned app could also result in this error.
  • The application does not support the Android version.

Note: Before going through the fix, make sure to uninstall any already installed app of the same nature. And try installing the app to see if the issue is fixed.

Top Ways to Fix App Not Installing Error

Here are the Best Solutions to Fix App Installation Errors on Android Mobile.

1. Change App Codes

You can make some changes in the version code or SDK to do so. This method also works on Firestick and Fire TV.

Sometimes, you may encounter the “app not installed” error when installing a modded or an older version of an APK. You can fix that issue in this context by following these steps.

Fix App Not Installed on Android (2025) | APK Installation Error Solve
  1. Download and install the APK Editor Tool on your Android device.
  2. Launch the APK Editor.
  3. Tap on the APK File.
  4. Search for the APK file that you want to install (the one showing the installation error)
  5. Once the APK file shows up in the result, tap on it.
  6. From the menu, choose Common Edit to change the Version Name and Version Code of the APK.
  7. Now, use the Chrome browser to visit any APK distribution platform, such as APK Mirror.
  8. In APK Mirror, search for the latest APK available for the application that you have been trying to install on your phone.
  9. Check the version code and version name of the latest release of the APK on the APK Mirror website. 
  10. Copy the version code and version name.
  11. Paste it in the APK Editor in the respective field of the Common Editor. 
  12. Tap Save to confirm the changes. 
  13. Now, tap Install to finish installing the APK.

2. App Bundles APKs/APKm/XAPK

If the APK file is Split into App bundles, ‘App Not Installed‘, is the error you will face if you try installing APK. Make sure the File is Not Split into APK App Bundle. If it is a bundle, then you need to install it using a Split Installer. Google introduced a new way to distribute Android apps called app bundles.

While the regular apps contain all necessary resources like screen size, manifest, XML, Config, and architecture in a single APK. The app bundles only include the components that your specific device needs, organized into split APKs. While app bundles help save storage space and data usage, they are not one-size-fits APK files.

The Android Apps Bundle (AAB) Files can come in a compressed format like XAPK, APKS, APKM, or AAB. You can use any of the following methods to install the App Bundles on Android.

Use AAB Installer to Install APK Bundle

While the above links can be helpful if the APK files are compressed as a single AAB. You need to use a split APK installer to install app bundles if you have downloaded multiple APK files.

App Not Installed Resso

In simple terms, APK is split in different APKs which include Base.APK, Config-Archi.APK and other Files which can only be installed using a 3rd party split installer. If you directly try to Install the APK you will see ‘App not Installed’ Error.

Note: Make sure you have installed all the APK files necessary to install the App using Split APK Installer.

How to Install Split APKs?

  1. Download and install the Split APK Installer.
  2. Launch the Split APK Installer.
  3. Tap on System File > System File Picker.
  4. Select the file with the APKs extension.
  5. Once the APK installer assigns the document, tap on Install.

3. Disable Google Play Protect

Google Play Protect is Google’s built-in malware protection for Android. It scans the installed apps or apps to be installed for any virus and, if it finds any harmful code or nature, blocks the installation. The play protects not only works or apps installed from the play store but also for 3rd party apps.

So, if you face any install errors, it is better to disable play protect and give it a try.

  1. Go to Play Store
  2. Click on the Menu Hamburger icon on the top left
  3. Here look for Play Protect
  4. Click on the Settings icon
    Disable Play Protect
  5. Turn offScan Apps with Play Protectand Improve Harmful App Detectionby pressing the toggle next to each option. .

4. Sign the Unsigned App

To sign an unsigned APK, install the ZipSigner app on your device. It uses the zipsigner-lib API to sign the APK files.

  1. Download ZipSigner on your device.
  2. Launch the app.
  3. You will see the app dashboard. You will see the dashboard,
  4. Now, tap on Choose input/output and locate the apk file
  5. Then tap on Sign the File.
  6. Let the process be complete, and then install the signed apk.

5. Reset All the App Preferences

You may reset the app preference on your Android settings to check if it fixes the “app not installed” error.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Apps > See All Apps.
  3. Press the menu button at the top right corner and select Reset App Preferences.
    Reset All the App Preferences

6. Avoid Installation from SD Card

If the APK is downloaded or if you are trying to install it from an external mount, then in many cases, it would not be possible due to contamination of the file. The installer may not completely parse the package from mounted storage.

The best solution, in this case, is to download the APK onto your internal storage and try installing the App. Your mobile package installer will accept the files without any errors.

7. Use an older version of the App

Any latest version of the App may not support your device due to system limitations. Just download any older version of the App. If this works, then your device is not capable to read the latest APK.

8. Clear Data and Cache of Package Installer

Refresh the cached data and app data associated with the Package Installer on your Android device. It may fix the “app not installed” error.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. In the search bar of Settings, type package installer.
  3. Tap on Package Installer to access its app info when it appears in the search result.
  4. Go to Storage and Cache.
  5. Press Clear Storage.
    Clear the Data and Cache of the Package Installer

Note & Conclusion:

If the troubleshooting tips in the guide do not fix the “app not installed” error, you may need to manually change the ApplicationID file in the build.gradle file in the APK bundle by changing the APK code.

  • app not installed as package appears to be invalid
  • app not installed as package conflicts with an existing package
  • app not installed as package appears to be incompatible

I hope the post was helpful in resolving the issue of the App Not Installed Error. Do comment below for any assistance if needed.

If you've any thoughts on How to Fix App Not Installed Problem on Android?, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Nikhil Azza
Nikhil is a Tech Blogger who sometimes loves to write real-life lore. He has been writing content for the past 8 years, with over 1K+ articles written on Android, Mac, iOS, Social Media, Cloud Storage, Software, and General Tech. Know More

74 Responses

  1. tarun says:

    I do all work buy unable to install asphalt 8 mod apk

    • kate says:

      me too but’ after root and using lucky patcher to modified it work

  2. Ram says:

    In the conclusion you have a typo “applicatioId” it should be “applicationId”

  3. Ishwar Singh says:

    Thanks Yaar, I’ve not root mobile. I tried all above thing insted of Ist method. Unsuccessful.
    So lastly I tried Ist metod, Its work properly.
    Now I’m enjoying the app. I thanks Once again…..

  4. Akash says:

    unable to install nova legscy mod on android 6.1

  5. Laukik Thakare says:

    The method I worked
    Thanks alot

  6. Sam says:

    i advice everyone to uninstall 1mobile market(for those people who have it) and install Apkpure, i had the same trouble and it has been solved this way.

  7. Juan Arias says:

    I need help i tried everything and it still doesn’t work.
    I have a HTC One M8 and im trying to install Remote play.

  8. BL says:

    Hi Do you know how to fix error code -504 in google playstore.I tried a lot methods to install wowbox but still fail.

    • Melissa Garland says:

      Have the same prob on android 6.0 marshmallow tablet. Have tried all the steps. Delete google and gmail settings. Rebbot. Reload.. Etc.etc. If you come across a solution ( or some solid root w/o PC apps) …hit me up…I’ll do the same…

  9. Zero says:

    Thanks it really helped me

  10. kanishk says:

    my apps are either not installing from couple of hrs or it is written package appears to be corrupt

  11. Ahmed says:

    The first method works great thanks a lot

  12. Vijay says:

    Unable to install asphalt 8mod apk (application not installed) this is the problem

  13. Knight Ven says:

    In my lava iris x8 I can not install lords mobile after updating it to 5.1 lollipop please help me I tried all but none worked..

  14. Parvin says:

    Unable to install mod apk of asphalt 8 in Panasonic p55 novo 4g.
    Please help me in this matter.

    • Nikhil says:

      It also depends on the Android version of your phone. If you are using an older version than the latest mod would not support as they are tweaked to support the latest version.

  15. Prashant says:

    Thanks… Resetting app preferences worked

  16. Hey I need Help says:

    I tried it all, but its don’t working. Please help me for my problem!!

  17. victor says:

    I try installing asphalt nitro but it’s displayed that I should uninstall previous similar app which I have searched and searched for but couldn’t find it
    This is crazy, please I need your help

    • Nikhil says:

      Clear the Cache of the device. This will fix the issue.

  18. Dragoneer66 says:

    if you’re having any gameloft game in your phone already and trying to install another gameloft game from any unknown source then it’ll show this kinda error too…

  19. fransis topno says:

    Unknown error Cord during application install “_” 504″

  20. Hannan says:

    I’m unable to install every mod apk file. The file works fine on other phone.
    I’m using Huawei mate 10 lite
    If anyone knows the solution plz tell me.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I can’t install any apk in my Tab since I had factory reset it just after I rooted it……

  22. Franklin says:

    I’ve tried all you said… still my Android refuses to install the facebook app. it keeps telling me “app not installed”
    I use a TEKNO SPARK K7

  23. Scott Johnson says:

    Too funny. We can’t install apps so your advice is to install an app.

    • Nikhil says:

      You can install the Apps. Just some codes cause the file to be unexecutable.

  24. Rafiqul Ali says:

    the 1st process of apk editor helped me…..awesome.
    Thanks 4 the solution

  25. Jignesh Kotadia says:

    I want to install Samsung Voice Recorder in my Honor 8x. I tried too much but couldnt succeed with any trick ! each time it shows App not installed ! I desperately want this app in my mobile. plz help.

  26. Sahensa says:

    I can’t install the app kine master pro…..plz help me .

  27. Dinh Thi Ngan Ha says:

    My phone has a built-in Spotify app, I disabled it but still cannot install the mod apk. Can anyone help me?

  28. Vu Trong Hieu says:

    As I open APK editor, there is no “common edit” option, just “decode all files”, “decode partial files”. What do I do?
    Please, for the love of God, reply soon!

  29. Le docteur says:

    I’m was currently trying to install a Rooter. I only got the message : Application was not installed. What solve the problem was disabled security in google play store.

  30. Waqas says:

    common edit in apk editor says cannot parse apk file, length=0; index=0

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